Welcome to Commons Caretakers

Supporting creators and maintainers of the digital commons

Commons Caretakers delivers intermediary services related to the creation and maintenance of digital commons efforts. We are a subsidiary of NLnet foundation.

Digital commons are digital spaces, infrastructures and technologies that can be visited, used and shared by everyone. These commons are build with free and open software (FOSS) and hardware and run on shared infrastructures for the common good. The purpose of Commons Caretakers is to support the people and organisations who build and maintain the digital commons.

We provide services and support to grantees of the NGI Zero programs and grantees of the wider NGI ecosystem.

NGI Zero supports strategic technology research and development, in particular the development of free/libre/open source software and hardware, and the establishment of open standards and open data - technologies that can be used, studied, modified and shared by anyone for any purpose.

Commons Caretakers is continuously growing an ecosystem of multidisciplinary contributors in a wide variety of disciplines. These contributors help communities of free and open source projects bridge gaps in their skills and expertise. Areas commonly addressed include internationalization, scaling, accessibility, assurance, testing, audits, licensing, and (technical) mentoring. Experienced mentors guide grantees on improving their FOSS practices, and help small teams scale up to become inclusive and diverse communities.

We work closely together with our partner The Commons Conservancy and are supported by NLnet foundation. We enable people to work on efforts like GetEduroam, FileSender, EduVPN and more. Interested? Contact us.